Top Customer Feedback Tools for Entrepreneurs

  1. Small Business Software
  2. Customer Management
  3. Customer feedback tools

Welcome to our article on the top customer feedback tools for entrepreneurs! As a small business owner, it's crucial to have a solid understanding of your customers' needs and preferences. That's where customer feedback comes in - it's a valuable source of information that can help you improve your products, services, and overall customer experience. However, collecting and analyzing this feedback can be a daunting task. That's why we've compiled a list of the best customer feedback tools that will make this process easier for you.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale your business, these tools will provide you with valuable insights and help you build stronger relationships with your customers. So, let's dive in and explore the top customer feedback tools for entrepreneurs in our Silo on Small Business Software and Customer Management.As an entrepreneur, constantly seeking feedback from your customers is crucial for the success of your business. By listening to your customers, you can gain valuable insights on how to improve your products or services, identify any pain points or issues, and ultimately increase customer satisfaction. This can be a daunting task, but luckily there are many tools available to make the process easier and more effective. When it comes to choosing a customer feedback tool, there are some key features that you should look for.

Firstly, the tool should have the ability to collect and analyze feedback from various sources such as surveys, reviews, and social media. This will allow you to gather a comprehensive view of what your customers are saying about your business. Another important feature is the ability to track customer sentiment. This means being able to understand whether the feedback is positive, negative or neutral. By tracking sentiment, you can quickly identify any issues that need to be addressed and take action to improve them. Integration with other business tools is also crucial for a seamless experience.

Look for a customer feedback tool that can easily integrate with your existing CRM or project management software. This will save you time and effort by allowing you to view customer feedback alongside other important business data. Now that we've covered the key features to look for in a customer feedback tool, let's dive into the top tools that every entrepreneur should consider.


SurveyMonkey is a popular survey tool that allows entrepreneurs to create and send customizable surveys to their customers. It also offers advanced features such as data analysis and reporting, making it easy to gather actionable insights from customer feedback.


Qualtrics is another powerful survey tool that offers a wide range of features, including advanced analytics, machine learning, and sentiment analysis. It also integrates with popular business tools such as Salesforce and Tableau, making it a great choice for entrepreneurs looking for a comprehensive feedback solution.


Zendesk is a customer service platform that offers a variety of tools for collecting and managing customer feedback.

It allows you to track customer interactions across multiple channels, such as email, chat, and social media, making it easy to gather feedback from various touchpoints.


Hootsuite is a social media management tool that also offers customer feedback features. It allows you to monitor and respond to customer feedback on social media platforms in real-time, making it ideal for entrepreneurs who want to stay on top of their online reputation.


Usabilla is a customer feedback tool that offers advanced features such as website feedback widgets, heatmaps, and A/B testing. It also integrates with popular business tools like Google Analytics and Salesforce, making it a great choice for entrepreneurs who want to track the impact of customer feedback on their business metrics.


In conclusion, as an entrepreneur, seeking and acting upon customer feedback is crucial for the success of your business. By using the right tools, you can make this process easier and more effective.

Consider the features and integrations offered by these top customer feedback tools and choose the one that best fits your business needs.


SurveyMonkey is a popular customer feedback tool that allows entrepreneurs to easily create and send surveys to gather valuable feedback from their customers. With SurveyMonkey, you can customize your surveys with a variety of question types, including multiple choice, open-ended, and rating scales, to get the specific information you need. The platform also offers advanced features such as skip logic, which allows you to tailor your survey based on previous responses, and data analysis tools that make it easy to interpret the results. Using SurveyMonkey as part of your customer feedback strategy can help you gather valuable insights and make data-driven decisions for your business.

Plus, with its user-friendly interface and affordable pricing plans, it's a great option for entrepreneurs looking to improve their customer management process.


One of the most powerful tools for gaining insight on user behavior is Hotjar. This tool uses heatmaps and user recordings to show you exactly how users are interacting with your website or app. With Hotjar, you can see where users are clicking, how far down they are scrolling, and even watch recordings of their sessions to see exactly what they're doing on your site. This information can be incredibly valuable for entrepreneurs looking to improve their products and services based on user feedback. In addition to heatmaps and user recordings, Hotjar also offers features like feedback polls and surveys, which allow you to gather specific feedback from your customers. This can help you identify pain points and areas for improvement in your products or services. Overall, Hotjar is a must-have tool for entrepreneurs looking to gather valuable insights from their customers.

With its easy-to-use interface and powerful features, it's no wonder why it's one of the top customer feedback tools on the market.


When it comes to gathering feedback on your website or app, nothing beats hearing directly from real users. That's where UserTesting comes in. This powerful tool allows you to get real-time feedback from real people, giving you valuable insights into how users interact with your product. With UserTesting, you can create tasks for users to complete on your website or app, and receive video recordings of their experience along with their thoughts and reactions. This allows you to see exactly where users are getting stuck or confused, and make improvements accordingly. In addition to video recordings, UserTesting also provides detailed written feedback and ratings from users, giving you a well-rounded understanding of their experience.

You can even target specific demographics or personas to ensure you're getting feedback from your target audience. Overall, UserTesting is a valuable tool for entrepreneurs looking to constantly improve their website or app based on real user feedback. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, it's definitely worth considering for your customer feedback arsenal.


When it comes to customer feedback, having a reliable helpdesk platform is essential. This is where Zendesk comes in, providing entrepreneurs with a powerful tool to improve their customer support and gather valuable feedback. With Zendesk, entrepreneurs can easily create a support ticket system, allowing customers to reach out with any issues or concerns they may have. This not only helps to improve customer satisfaction, but also provides a direct channel for receiving feedback. In addition, Zendesk offers features such as live chat and community forums, making it easier for entrepreneurs to engage with their customers and gather feedback in real-time.

With the ability to track and analyze customer interactions, entrepreneurs can gain valuable insights into their customers' needs and preferences. By using Zendesk as a customer feedback tool, entrepreneurs can not only improve their customer support, but also gain valuable feedback that can be used to enhance their products and services. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, Zendesk is a top choice for entrepreneurs looking to gather feedback and improve their overall customer management strategies.


Collect and analyze customer data to make data-driven decisions. As an entrepreneur, it's important to constantly seek feedback from your customers in order to improve your products and services. This can be a daunting task, but luckily there are many tools available to make the process easier and more effective. One such tool is Qualtrics. Qualtrics is a customer feedback tool that allows you to collect and analyze data from your customers.

With its user-friendly interface, you can easily create surveys, polls, and questionnaires to gather feedback from your customers. But what sets Qualtrics apart is its powerful analytics capabilities. It provides in-depth analysis of your customer data, giving you valuable insights into their preferences, needs, and opinions. This allows you to make data-driven decisions and improvements to your products and services. Furthermore, Qualtrics offers real-time reporting and customizable dashboards, making it easy for entrepreneurs to keep track of their customer feedback and measure their progress over time. Overall, Qualtrics is an essential tool for entrepreneurs who want to collect and analyze customer data in order to make informed decisions and improve their business. So if you're looking for a comprehensive customer feedback tool, look no further than Qualtrics.

6.Google Forms

Google Forms is a free and user-friendly tool for entrepreneurs to create surveys and gather valuable feedback from their customers.

With its simple interface, you can easily design custom surveys to gather specific information from your target audience. One of the main advantages of using Google Forms is its integration with other Google tools such as Sheets and Docs. This allows you to easily analyze and organize the feedback you receive, making it easier to identify patterns and areas for improvement. In addition, Google Forms offers a wide range of question types, including multiple choice, short answer, and rating scales.

This allows you to gather detailed and comprehensive feedback from your customers. Another great feature of Google Forms is the ability to customize the look and feel of your surveys. You can add your company logo, choose different color schemes, and even add images or videos to make your surveys more engaging. Overall, Google Forms is a powerful and versatile tool for entrepreneurs looking to gather customer feedback.

Its simplicity, flexibility, and integration with other Google tools make it a top choice for any small business owner. In conclusion, as an entrepreneur, utilizing customer feedback tools is crucial for the success of your business. By actively seeking feedback and making necessary improvements, you can ensure customer satisfaction and ultimately drive growth. Consider incorporating one or more of these top customer feedback tools into your tech stack to streamline the feedback process and take your business to the next level.

Francisco Ramser
Francisco Ramser

Tech Enthusiast and Entrepreneurship Writer specializing in technology stacks for startups and small businesses. With a passion for exploring the latest tech tools, software solutions, and resources for entrepreneurs, I write insightful content for various online publishing platforms including. My work covers a wide range of topics, from innovative startup tech to essential business software, providing valuable insights for budding and seasoned entrepreneurs. Follow my latest articles and updates on the ever-evolving world of entrepreneurial technology. Follow him across social media sites at "", Instagram, and facebook.